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activate (verb)

-to make something start working or happening.

-to put (an individual or unit) on active duty.

-to set up or formally institute (an organized group, such as a military unit) with the necessary personnel and equipment.

-in sports, to activate a player is to bring that player back to the regular team after an injury.

-to make a chemical reaction happen more quickly, especially by heating.

“Mothers watch for their children to take ownership of their own calling and then look for opportunities and seasons to activate it appropriately.”
-Bethany Hicks, "Own your assignment." 
"We’re going to be people that activate and raise up this generation in the voice of the Lord."
-Nate Johnston, "Wild Ones."

Baptism as a form of activation.

It's no longer one and done. Baptism can be a symbol of an end of a season or beginning of another one. Jesus was baptized right before the start of His ministry.

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